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"The Other Plant Sale"

Next T.O.P.S. : May 24th 2025, 10a-4p
Thank you for your interest in visiting or becoming a vendor at "The Other Plant Sale"! This is a sale event for beginners-to-experts who are interested in plants! We are not focused on any specific grouping of plants, we want to see them all! We are looking for 50-60 vendors to sell plant and plant-related products, art & craft. This will be FREE entry for all. Please dress weather-appropriate. As we know, the weather can be unpredictable. Come purchase plants, plant/nature themed art ,crafts, jewelries, tools, make friends, eat food, enjoy yourself! This location is very easy to get if you're in the (Portland Metro area) to via public transportation since we are wedged between SE Stark and E Burnside. The closest Max station is the 188th & E Burnside station.
Quick location background: The idea behind this event is to welcome people back to Gresham/Rockwood, and of course to meet new friends with mutual interest! This is an amazing neighborhood but, unfortunately, due to decades of rumors and misinformation this neighborhood became one of the least visited in the Portland Metro area. The City of Gresham has built this complex to revitalize the area and we are already seeing people making their way from miles away just to visit! The Downtown Rockwood complex itself is a very fascinating place with lots of diverse micro and standard restaurants, shops, a playground with a splash pad and home to several hundred residents in the new Aviva apartment with businesses on the first level. There are also plans for a small grocery store in the Rockwood Markethall.
"The Other Plant Sale" Guest Info:
When: May 24th 2025 10am-4pm. This will be a 1-day event because there isn't a good way to secure merchandise over night.
Cost: This will be free entry for guests.
Location: The address to this is 458 SE 185th Ave. Portland, OR 97233. The address is still a little off on many GPS but the complex occupies the space between SE Stark and E Burnside, on SE 185th and SE 187th. Parking can be found all around the complex including the public spaces by USA Pawn and the courthouse across the street. THIS IS AN OUTDOOR EVENT.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Public transportation, we are right next to the Rockwood/E 188th MAX station if you are using the MAX along with other various bus lines that runs down SE Stark and E Burnside.
We also have bike lockup areas dotted around the complex.
Info for Vendors:
We are ambitiously looking for 50-60 vendors that are interested in vending plants, plant/garden supplies, plant-themed arts & crafts, or informational booth for plant-related things such as classes, activities, and various organization. No one is "too big" or "too small", if you want to participate: we are interested!
Fees: A 10x10 Booth is $10 unless discussed, an additional 10x10 booth is an additional $10. Fees will be requested post-application acceptance. This fee is non-refundable; if you have to drop out...thank you for your generous donation!
Additionally, we are requesting an item donation (any cost) for the raffle booth.
There is really no way of telling how the crowd will be BUT the more vendors participate the bigger the crowd will be; though this event already has a strong following and has been successful with our early runs! The best way to help is to post on your social media and help spread the word!
As of 3/12/2025 there are 10 restaurants and 1 cafe, so food and restroom shouldn't be an issue.
You are in charge of your own payment! You must have cash for change, and mobile credit card readers are HIGHLY encouraged. Many purchases will be done through cards. Many people use Square and you can also type in card numbers- though fees are higher if you type it in.
You are in charge of loading and unloading. We are not going to be staffed to help loading and unloading, you might find a nice vendor to help but most people will be occupied with their own setup.
We do not have shopping bags but we are asking that everyone helps bring boxes so we can cut it up in half and turn into shopping trays.
Vendor Parking: We will be asking the pawn shop with a big lot if we can use their lot. Technically it belongs to the property management group so technically you can park there, we just want to be polite and ask as soon as we can lock the event date down. Other than that there is a lot of street parking and a parking lot but we want to reserve that for guests. We are not in charge of traffic ticket if you park where you're not supposed to. To get an idea of the current parking map please check out the "Visit Us" page. A much-larger lot is getting built.
What sort of things can you sell? Anything in the LEGAL realm of plant and plant-related products. We are not going to "police" what you are selling unless it is prohibited, or extremely inappropriate... though tasteful art is welcomed...please keep in mind that this is an event for ALL AGES. Thank you for understanding! You don't have to propagate your own plants or craft your own material. This event is for everyone and we understand that not everyone has the ability or space for propagation but please don't go to a hardware store the night before and monopolize on their restock...
No food or drinks for sale please, we won't be permitted for that, plus there is plenty to eat here and want to support the local restaurants already here.
No live animals, no taxidermy.
No weapons. Things that look like weapons are okay as long as it is not a functional weapon.
LEGAL PLANTS ONLY. Please stick to OREGON's agricultural laws.
No ready-to-use consumables. You can sell edible plants but please do not prepare anything for people to consume.
Booth Space: Everyone will get at least a 10x10 (unless requesting a smaller space) with a little bit of a wiggle room each side. If you need larger please let us know. This shouldn't be an overwhelmingly tight event and we know that some people might bring larger shrubs. Tents are not required but it is advisable to bring a tent, it's still Oregon and the weather can be unpredictable. We do not have loaner tents and this is an outdoor event. If you have a tent please make sure it is fire-retardant and you MUST have weights in order to prevent tents flying away.
Bring your own tables and chairs
There is no access to electricity other than in the Rockwood Markethall- but this will not be accessible from your booth.
There is public WiFi and password will be given upon request but the internet isn't the highest quality.
This is a shared space with the community, please clean up after yourself. We understand that soil will be spilled here and there, we can clean that up, but please pick up any trash and dispose of it properly.
We are not responsible for theft, bodily injury including death, damage to property or any issue that may occur. We are just here to provide the space for social gathering and vending. There is on-site security.
Please let us know if you're interested in becoming a vendor!!!
If you reserve space and change your mind for whatever reason please just let us know, Fire permit fees are non-refundable... We won't be mad!!! We just want to plan this out properly and avoid confusion.
Please submit your response to for the following questions:
1. What is your name?
2. What is your business name? (If none please let us know what to refer to your booth as)
3. What is your phone number that you will pick up?
4. What service or types of product will you offer?
5. Please type up a little introduction for guests to get to know your booth a little better. This will be used publicly.
6. How many booth spaces do you need?
7. Send ~3 photos to be used with social media.
Please understand that I am just one person. I am usually able to be on top of things BUT sometimes I am not so I do appreciate reminders, but please give at least 3 days for response time. I try to keep up with posting on social media but unfortunately things may take my attention away. Thank you!
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