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Philodendron x 'Birkin'

Native range: Hybrid not found in nature

Known names: N/A

Hardiness: Best kept above 60°F

Mature Size: ~15" Tall x ~15" Wide. ~8" leaves when mature.

Light: Bright indirect light, morning sun

Water: Keep soil moist, let soil dry out slightly between watering.

Soil: Standard potting mix, add in wood chips and pumice for extra drainage.

Dormancy Period: Winter

Pet-Safe: No

Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot, shipped semi-bare-root


Dark green leaves with yellow/gold pinstipes on newer leaves. The more-mature leaves fade and show less pinstripes, but will still show signs of it. Upright and squatty,  Possible mutation from Philodendron x 'Rojo Congo'.

Philodendron x 'Birkin' [4"]

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