Monstera subpinnata
Native range: Northwest South America
Known names: N/A
Hardiness: Best kept above 60°F
Mature Size: 20'+ Tall, 6'+ Wide (can be trimmed easily to keep size smaller)
Light: Half day sun, morning sun, all day dappled light.
Water: Water more often if soil is more coarse. Let soil try out slightly if not as coarse.
Soil: Standard potting soil with pumice, perlite or wood chips added in for extra drainage.
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: No
Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot, shipped semi bare root
Vine-forming plant with palmate leaves. Best grown with a support pole, otherwise the vine will just crawl until it finds a wall to climb on.
Monstera subpinnata [4"]
SKU: 8784179631071