Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoveana
Native range: Brazil, tropical South America
Known names: Prayer Plant, Rabbit Track Prayer Plant
Hardiness: Best above 60°F, thrives indoors.
Mature Size: ~12" tall, ~24" wide
Light: Medium / Bright Shade. Bright direct light will wash out leaf pattern.
Water: Medium. Soil can dry out slightly but best kept moist.
Soil: Fast-draining, holds moisture well but fast-draining. Add extra pumice or pearlite into potting mix.
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: Yes
Plant Size: 4" pot, semi-bare root
A more toned-down form of Maranta leuconeura. Oval shaped, light green leaves with dots of maroon running down the length of the leaves. Solid green back.
This plant is named the "Prayer Plant" due to their ability to fold up their leaves in the afternoon; even indoors without much natural light! Works great in hanging pots, flowers are insignificant but still a treat whenever it flowers.
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SKU: 6243518386071
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