Hoya carnosa x serpens 'Mathilde'
Native range: Not found in nature
Known names: Wax Plant, Wax Vine, Wax Flower
Hardiness: Best kept above 50°F
Mature Size: ~3' long vine
Light: Half day sun starting with morning sun.
Water: Let soil dry out before watering
Soil: Standard potting soil with added pumice or perlite for sharp drainage
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: Yes
Plant Size: Grown in 2.5" pots
Ovate dark green leaves with white speckles. Veins are apparent especially with dehydrated plants. Fuzzy, white star-shaped flowers with pinkish centers.
"The flower smells like floral butterscotch"
As with most Hoyas, it is best to let the potting mix dry out between waterings
Hoya carnosa x serpens 'Mathilde' [2.5"]
SKU: 9368906686271