Ficus retusa
Native range: Malaysia, Indonesia
Known names: Ficus retusa, Green Island Ficus
Hardiness: Best kept above 50° F
Mature Size: ~25' Tall in natrual habitat, much smaller indoors
Light: Half day sun, dappled sun, full sun
Water: Let soil dry out slightly to the touch between watering
Soil: Standard potting soil with added pumice or perlite
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: Yes
Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot, shipped semi bare root
Glossy, dark green oval leaves usually around 2-3" long. Usually grown with exposed thickened trunk and roots that resembles gensing. Small inconspicuous flowers followed by small fruit.
Ficus microcarpa (possibly F. retusa) [4"]
SKU: 7670054891471