Callisia repens
Native range: Southern Central America through northern South America
Known names: Creeping Inchplant, Turtle Vine
Hardiness: Best kept above 50°F
Mature Size: ~3" Tall, ~4' long (vine)
Light: Morning sun - half day sun
Water: Water more often if plant is in more sun. Allow top layer to dry between watering
Soil: Standard potting soil
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: No
Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot, shipped semi bareroot.
Variegated green with slashes of pink, purple and white leaves pointed leaves, tightly compacted. Purple underside. Creeping growth habit. Easy to root and will root onto any soil that it touches.
Callisia repens 'Pink Panther' [4"]
SKU: 1686790503171