[Cane] Begonia brevirimosa ssp. exotica
Native range: Papua New Guinea
Known names: N/A
Hardiness: Best kept above 60°F
Mature Size: ~3' Tall, ~3' Wide
Light: Early morning sun, dappled light, bright indirect light
Water: Water more often if soil is coarse
Soil: Standard potting soil with added pumice or perlite to increase drainage.
Dormancy Period: N/A
Pet-Safe: No
Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot, shipped bare root.
Very glossy dark pink leaves with dark green veining. Each leaf can grow up to about 1' long. Pink flowers appear thoughout the year.
Begonia brevirimosa ssp. exotica {Cane} [2.5"]
SKU: 9419388779171