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Anthurium magnificum

Native range: Colombia

Known names: N/A

Hardiness: Best kept above 60°F

Mature Size: Varies with each seedling but generally ~2' by 2', larger in "native" conditions.

Light: Morning sun, dappled sun, diffused sunny window. 

Water: Epiphyte-style watering, water more often if growing in coarse media, Let soil dry out a little if grown in soil.

Soil: Soil mixed with large bark chips, pumice, perlite. "Orhcid mix". Can be grown mounted on wood as long as the plant is kept humid.

Dormancy Period: N/A

Pet-Safe: No

Plant Size: Grown in 2.5" pot


Large dark green, velvety cordate leaves with very light veining. Veins are a little glittery. Leaves an measure 24" long x 20" wide!

Anthurium magnificum [2.5"]

SKU: 2755516699171
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