Alocasia sanderiana x watsoniana
Native range: Hybrid not found in nature
Known names: Elephant Ear, African Mask, Alocasia x amazonica
Hardiness: Best kept above freezing
Mature Size: ~3' Tall x ~2' Wide
Light: Bright direct morning sun, dappled light, bright diffused light
Water: Avoid allowing plants to sit in stagnant water, best kept with moist soil.
Soil: Standard potting soil with added pumice or perlite
Dormancy Period: Winter
Pet-Safe: No
Plant Size: Grown in 4" pot, shipped semi barerroot
This Alocasia is a cross between A. sanderiana and A. watsoniana. It produces 12" glossy, lobed arrowhead shaped leaves that are dark green with minty gray veins.
Alocasia x amazonica [4"]